Monday, September 28, 2009

Varnish and Paint

After applying two coats of CPES Penetrating Epoxy Sealer, Tom applied three coats of Epifanes Clear Varnish with a light sanding in between each coat. After the varnish cured, the boat was flipped and prepped for painting. After applying two coats of Interlux Primer and two coats of Interlux Brightside White paint with, once again, a light sanding in between coats, we are close to being finished.

While the various coats cured, Tom laminated knees for the fore and aft center thwarts. Once the boat was flipped back over again, he was able to fit, shape, sand, varnish, and install them. He also installed the stern seat slats after painting the bulkheads, built a bunk for the customer's dock, and ripped three ash bows for use with the boat's cover. After attaching all of the bronze hardware, you can't help but marvel at the beauty of this boat.

Row, row, row your is but a dream.