Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Finishing Out the Interior (Part One)

A cradle for the boat has been built and it sits on top of the building jig base. This brings the boat up to a nice working height. With the addition of foam, the cradle will also be used in the delivery of the boat.

The first task after turning the boat over was to clean up any epoxy squeeze out that wasn’t cleaned up before it cured. Luckily there were only a few spots that needed attention. The entire interior of the boat then received a thorough sanding before starting the building process again.

A laser level was used to layout the riser lines for the front and rear seats/flotation compartments. I don’t know how they did this accurately before lasers came along. Tech, tech, technology. We're grateful for it. After the lines were drawn, Tom installed the risers as you can see in the photos above.

We feel we are getting close to being done but there are still many items to complete, i.e. seats, oarlock chocks, breast hook, gunwales, epoxy saturation, quarter knees, etc. etc. After the building is complete, the final phase will be the paint and varnish.

Row, row, row your boat...life is but a dream.