Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ready to Flip

First shot of the interior with the frames still attached.

After attaching the last two planks (sheer planks), we went to work fitting the outer stem and keel. Quite a bit of time was spent getting everything just right. An extra keel support piece was added where the keel meets the transom because the boat's keel will rest on a roller when not in use and the front of the boat will rest on a cradle.

Final fairing of the hull was completed before sealing the exposed plank edges with epoxy. Before removing the boat from the building jig, the entire exterior was sanded and then saturated with two coats of penetrating epoxy which was lightly sanded between coats.

Row, row, row your boat...life is but a dream.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Final Plank

All of the planks are on the boat although the sheerstrake has yet to be glued and trimmed to the gunwhale. Next, the outer stem will be fitted and the keel will be attached.

Row, row, row your boat...life is but a dream.